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Bringing the richness of Sri Lanka's agro lands to the world, Agro Health Lanka delivers top-quality health exports.


Agro Health Lanka pvt Ltd Maweela-Kosdeniya Road , Pahala Nelibewa , Moragane. Sri Lanka.
+ 94 77 356 3343

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Developing the Community to Strengthen Our Nation

In our capacity as a Sri Lankan company, we initially devised this project as a form of compensation for farmers. Our project scope also applies to our work to ensure our products adhere to food safety regulations. These regulations are based on the idea of boosting farmers' yields and reducing agricultural costs. As a result of this banner, farmers have been enabled to reduce chemical usage on their crops by using soil test-based fertilizer, mitigate the impact of volatile weather conditions with micro-irrigation, enhance farm mechanizations to minimize the usage of manual labor, minimize in-field harvest losses, and facilitate farming.

Production or manufacturing processes, marketing, or services associated with value-added agriculture increase the value of primary agricultural commodities, perhaps by making them more appealing to consumers and by increasing their willingness to pay higher prices than similar, undifferentiated products. Thanks to Agro Health Lanka's untiring efforts, more young people are engaging in technology based agriculture, dispelling fears that Sri Lanka's agriculture sector will suffer a labour shortage in the near future. In this project, agro-chemicals will be used excessively and local produce has a limited export potential due to high production costs, low yields, a volatile climate, and dwindling youth interest in agriculture. In order to create a positive impact on the local farming community and environment in which they operate, Agro Health Lanka has embarked on a massive agriculture modernization project.

As part of Agro Health Lanka's commitment to bridging regional disparities, we are committed to empowering farmers. It is therefore a direct partner of thousands of farmers across Sri Lanka in providing nutrition to the people. To increase productivity, Agro Health Lanka works directly with hundreds of farmers each year. A few of its activities include providing farmers and cooperatives with credit, inputs, transport, and infrastructure, establishing fair, transparent pricing policies, and helping them get access to markets. Local farmers have been able to reach international standards with the help of the farmer modernization program, which has opened up new opportunities for exports. This is a major step toward a sustainable agriculture industry that will enhance the nation's economy and ensure food safety.


Pricing Tables Pricing Plans for you

1 Buffet table
CustomFarming rules
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100 freight shipments / month
Best Choice
5 warehouse
CustomFarming rules
Real-time rate shopping
100 freight shipments / month
10 Buffet table
CustomFarming rules
Real-time rate shopping
100 freight shipments / month
Agrarium farming company

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